Week - 07

Art Part:
Enemies Update(Final):
We are finally ready to show the last two enemies of the game.
Missile Turret
After we did the laser turret we thought that having a more simple missile/rocket turret would be needed because a laser turret seems like something powerful and less used. With this afterthought having a more common weaker turret is the best solution. This means that you'll see a lot more of the missile turret than the laser turret. We wanted the turrets to be very similar because to make them easier to use and make them both easier to recognize.
Aerial Kamikaze
We needed a new aerial enemy but we wanted more than an enemy that just shoot at you because we already had one with this function. That's why we came up with the kamikaze enemy. Yes, you can compare this like a mine if you want but this one can fly and is a little more annoying to dodge(In a good way or not you can choose).
This also was the last enemy we made. That's why we wanted something a bit nostalgic for this and we use the first enemy blockout I made for the prototype and based on the design I create the new design of the kamikaze enemy.
Like I said the design is inspired by an blockout I made for the prototype. we can do a lot with a spherical design that's why I made some iteration to give us more choice.
Yes, This was supposed to be the first aerial enemy! We decided to not use it because we thought at the beginning that it wouldn't work with the other enemies but we just needed to add more angular shapes to it. With all the new design elements I collected with the other enemies adding more details to the sphere was not very difficult. Of course, to make it work we made a lot of different block out designs to help us decide the best design to use in our game.

The enemies part of our game is completely done. There are still things we can change if we feel that something need to change but we are not going to introduce new enemies. We are proud of our work and hope you like our design process and how we came up with all the enemies design. The next stage will be the visual effects it's a very exciting part and we are going to show you a lot of them in the coming weeks.
We finally added the UI so the player has more information while playing. On the left bottom you can see the minimap where the player can see the locations of the enemies. In the middle bottom the player can find the ship health (green bar) and when the weapons are overheating (blue bar). Ofcourse the player has a crosshair but also while firing the missile and targeting at enemy there will show a target point. On the right bottom you will find how many missiles you have at the moment and above it you can find your speed back. Above the speed and the missile amount there will appear pick up icons when the curtain pickup is picked up. And ofcourse on the top right you can find your score back so you can see how far your progress is.
We changed our light exposure so there would be shadows around the walls of the arena and that there is mainly light coming from the dome above that shines in the middle. We also did add lights to the plants since these plants would light up in the dark shadow parts of the arena. We probably will still work further on this and make some tweaks.
LowerClass seats:
Ofcourse our arena needs place for people to watch and bet how long you will last. As in many planets you have poor and rich people. That is the same on this planet. The lower class people will be sitting at the bottom of the arena. It is not the best place to watch the fight and not always as save. But the seats are still always packed. Here is the mesh for the seats that is protected by the some shield as the dome and the traps. Nothing (should) come trough.
Pick Up:
Repair pick up:
The repaire pick up looks like a tool box so the player can link this item to a pick up that would repaire the ship. We may make some small adjusments to the mesh and collors.
Ship Upgrade:
This upgrade will only come per few waves. With this you will become more powerfull as the waves also get harder and harder. These upgrades are filled with better lazers and powerfull missiles. Make sure you get them whem they appear as it will become very hard without them.

Technical Part:
In order to make the crosshair change color when targeting an enemy, we use a multiLineTrace, and check if the lineTrace hits an enemy or not. This linetrace stops on the first blocking hit, meaning it won't find enemies behind walls.
For the target indicator, we take the worldLocation of the target, and convert it to screenlocation. Then we set the image to visible when there's a visible target and we set the location of the image to the screenlocation. However, the screenlocation uses the size of the viewport, while the UI uses the resolution. This can be different, especially when you're playing in the editor. To fix this, we simply converted the screenLocation using the viewportsize to the resolution by dividing the screenlocation with the viewportSize and multiplying it with the resolution.
Good news! We got the two main enemies working! The problems with the animation of two of our main enemies are finally fixed and they are ready to be intruced in the game.
Finally a worthy opponent? We shall see! Get in the arena and destroy as many of them as possible! But beware, the turrets do look menacing when they look at you and the aerial enemy will always find you... even if you're hiding. Ow yeah, and they also shoot back now! So you have that aswell to worry about. Good luck gladiator!
Both of these enemies and the traps have been carefully placed around the map. They're clearly visible...or...not? These pesky mines are sometimes hiding in spots which you are expecting them to be the least frequent. Watch out! Because if you notice them or not, they will always notice you! Keep that in mind.
Allright, that's all for this one! See you in the arena, gladiator!
Get BattleFlight
Status | Released |
Authors | WillemVerheughe, Ricardo Dias Teixeira, louisdv, Kathleen Wouters, vbrusche, VereuWillem |
Genre | Action |
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